Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Key to study success? Neuroplasticity and Einstein

I often hear the phrase learning styles and wonder what people really mean. Are we pigeonholed form birth as to the RIGHT way WE need to learn? Just because you have learnt to learn one way does not rule out more effective ways of learning.

Studies into neuroplasticity ( ability of your brain to rewire itself) of the brain has opened new possibilities for our development in learning and education. Research into patients with severe mental trauma and disabilities has shown that the brain can reconnect some of the dots in order to function again.

What does this mean for you? You form new links too. Actually, they are already linked, just not strongly enough until you use them consistently.

Quick sum: The brain is filled with around 100 billion neurons. These can each have 10,000 synaptic connections to other neurons. Electrical pulses travel around these connections like a giant matrix. All your connections are made roughly until you are 15 years old. When you do something consistently (ie use a hammer), you reinforce the connection - essentially when you see a hammer you know exactly what to do, how to do it and obviously whether you can lift it.

But when see something new, you need to find the best way to do it. Sometimes we don't. We find the easiest way - like sweeping dirty clothes under your bed.

You reinforce that over time. Bad habits like not brushing your teeth? Reinforced. Eating too many cheeseburgers? Reinforced. When you start a new habit - like exercising in the morning, it's painful. Oh yes. Your brain, leading the creature of habit that we are, is quick to tell you it's not comfortable. But for anyone who's had to get up early for 2 weeks in a row - it becomes easy - YOU DON'T THINK ABOUT IT.

That's the point.

But don't think that you have to do something a certain amount of times for the reinforced pattern to stick - incentive works too. If i offered you $1 million to get up early for the next 2 weeks - you wouldn't worry at all! It would strengthen the connection in your brain almost immediately.

So, when your trying to learn something - think about what pattern your using. Is it from a long time ago? Why not think of a new one? Why not try a few? Einstein's definition of insanity is

"Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"

In what way are you insane?!

Why learn the hard way? ©

Tim Fairweather. Learning Coach

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